Next Village Society Event

What Miss Ling Saw!

 Dramatised readings from The Haslingfield School Log Book 1917-1965.  Readers: John Beresford, Peter Hains, and Cheryl Lowery, all of whom know the school well.  This promises to be an amusing and informative journey down memory lane, as well as a revelation of what went on in our village school for half a century.
Tues. Feb. 21 , 8:00 pm, at Haslingfield Village Hall.

Everyone is very welcome to our meetings and events: members free, small charge for adult visitors.  Former pupils and colleagues of Miss Ling are especially invited and are welcomed to add their memories.

A note for your diaries: 13 October 2012 The Haslingfield Village Soc. is having a trip to the WW2 secret code breaking site of Bletchley Park. Details later.

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