Old Time Music Hall comes to Haslingfield – Tickets on Sale, 28 October!

Haslingfield Little Theatre would be delighted to welcome you to their Old Time Music Hall  on 23, 24 and 25 November 2023 at Haslingfield Village Hall (7.30 pm, with an additional 2.30 pm matinee on Saturday 25 November). You’ll be transported back over 100 years, to be entertained by song, dance, monologue and melodrama. 

The show is suitable for everyone from 3 to 103 years and the cast will perform, in true period style, for your delight and delectation. Come along, dress up if you like and join in with all the choruses!

Tickets on sale from 28 October at: www.haslingfieldlittetheatre.co.uk and Haslingfield Village Shop.

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