Haslingfield Spring Clean 2019 – thank you!

More than 20 people turned up on Sunday to tidy and clean the village, with an encouragingly high proportion of children taking part. Areas tackled included: Porkers Lane and River Lane; Harston Road; Wisbeys Yard; The Recreation Ground and Skatepark; Broad Lane to High Street; Wellhouse Meadow; High Street to Church Street and New Road footpath.

Three favourite quotes of the day:

  • Passer-by to fellow Parish Councillor – “What did you get your ASBO for?”
  • Husband to wife, child and dog when leaving home to help – “ It’s a really worthwhile thing you are doing!!”
  • And child to her father – “Can we do this every month?”

A huge thank you to everyone who took part on Sunday and to the many villagers who litter pick on a regular basis when out walking.

Jenny Jullien
Chair, Haslingfield Parish Council


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