Burglary Crime Prevention and what to look out for

By taking simple preventative measures you can reduce the risk of becoming a victim of burglary:-
ALARMS: One of the most effective deterrents is to install a burglar alarm. Ensure it is set every time you leave the house. 
SECURE ENTRY POINTS: Don’t leave any windows or doors unlocked or ajar as these can be easy access points for a burglar.
IF YOU ARE GOING AWAY: make your home look lived in, ask your neighbours to keep an eye out and install timer lights. You are at much less risk of being the next victim if burglars think you are at home. 

LOCK UP YOUR SHED: Burglars will often enter sheds to look for tools that can be used to break-in to your house. 

STRONG COMMUNITIES: Our officers continue to conduct highly visible and plain clothed patrols in our communities but we are all safer when we work together – Make friends with neighbours or join your local Neighbourhood Watch Scheme. Look out for the elderly & vulnerable – houses where there are things like ramps, handles and key safe boxes are often seen by offenders as potential easy targets.
Often when we respond to reports of burglaries, victims will tell us that they feel like they have been followed to establish when they are most likely to be away from the home. This is very rarely the case, but Offenders will often visit an area in the days leading up to a burglary to scope out potential targets. If you believe someone knocking on your door could be a burglar then contact the police immediately on 999.
Keep a note of anything unusual
  • Take a description and registration of unknown vehicles parked in your area
  • Note down as much information as possible about suspicious incidents, including dates and times, as well as descriptions of anyone you believe to be involved
  • If you see a witness, who is intending to leave the scene before police arrive, ask for their contact details and pass these to our officers

Regards, Lee Hurley (7293) Online Communities PCSO


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