Bus Service 27

Stagecoach has started a consultation to look at improving the local bus timetables. This mainly affects route 26 from Cambridge to Royston whereby this would stop at Trumpington P&R and would give an hourly service between Cambridge and Royston. The MAIN PROBLEM with this is that they will STOP ROUTE 27 from Guilden Morden to Cambridge which runs through Haslingfield. If you feel that this service 27 through Haslingfield should be maintained then please reply to the consultation here before 19th March 2017, Email: cambridge.enquiries@stagecoachbus.com or write to: Stagecoach, 100 Cowley Road, Cambridge, CB4 0DN !

Comments (1)

  • Steve Edmondson


    Loosing the only service (27) through the three villages Haslingfield, Barrington and Shepreth is likely to cause hardship for lots of students and workers, not to mention those at the further reaches of the route. No doubt however, Stagecoach will say it does not make a profit.

    I would use the 26 more if it served Haslingfield. The walk from Haslingfield to Harston, the closest point to the 26 route, is unpleasant and few are likely to attempt it. The predecessor of the 26 served Haslingfield, Barrington and Shepreth, but was cut for ‘commercial’ reasons by Stagecoach in 2005.

    However, the proposal to have the 26 service use the Trumpington P&R is a sensible development. The P&R is a wasted resource and would make an ideal public transport hub. The No7, No31 and the No132 Sunday service should all visit the P&R, thus making hospital, railway station and National Express services, all of which stop there, easily accessible.

    Public transport is all about accessability. Buses and trains need to be universal enough to obviate the need to run a car at all. If you have to run a car you will use it most of the time.


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