News from Cambridgeshire Police

What to do about securing your home: Burglaries are happening regularly across villages in South Cambridgeshire, usually in the day when properties appear to be empty, with cash and jewellery being the common things stolen. Have you considered how secure your property is? If not, you may be interested to know that there is an online quiz designed to confirm how safe your property is. The “bad-wolf test” takes just two minutes to complete and tells you how safe your home is from burglars. You get a score of bricks, twigs or straw. Try the quiz yourself to see how safe your home is:

The Bobby Scheme: The Cambridgeshire Bobby Scheme is a local charity which provides a service to older or vulnerable people by improving home security to reduce crime and the fear of crime. The Bobby Scheme works with a number of partner agencies, including the Police, Fire Service, Local Authorities, Age UK and other charities. Press Read More below for more information.

The trained staff come out and fit a range of security devices to help people feel safe safe in their own homes. Devices such as window locks, door chains, personal attack alarms, window and door alarms etc. They also provide other security advice and reassurance. On average it costs the Bobby Scheme £130 to work at each house, so they do ask people to consider making a donation so that they can continue to provide such a great service. This is how the scheme works:

  • If you have been a victim of crime and you are over 60, you can receive a free visit.
  • If you are 65 and over or disabled and would like a visit from the Bobby Scheme to reduce your chance of becoming a victim, they ask for a contribution of £30 towards their costs.
  • Key safes supplied and fitted from £50 and £80.
  • Other specialist products are available to be purchased.

The number to call if you would like a visit from the Bobby Scheme is 01480 413311 or 07866 602100. They also have a website:

If you have any queries regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me, PCSO 7239 Leanne Fisher, Business Watch and Engagement Officer for South Cambridgeshire, Sawston Police Station 01223 497610


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