Faith to Live by Service

Rose Window 3We would like to invite you to our next Faith To Live By service at Haslingfield Methodist Church on Sunday 14th February 2016 at 6.30pm.   Our speaker will be Kirsty Smith, asking  ‘ARE DISABLED PEOPLE LEFT BEHIND?’.  

Kirsty was Chief Executive at MRDF (Methodist Relief and Development Fund) for 12 years before becoming Chief Executive Officer at CBM UK. CBM is an international Christian charity committed to improving the quality of life of people with disabilities. CBM is working in over 80 of the poorest countries of the world and reaches more than 36 million people each year.

While international humanitarian assistance continues to increase, the number, scale and severity of humanitarian crises are increasingly outstripping resources. What emergency response there is, fails to reach the most vulnerable, with people with disabilities remaining largely ignored and excluded. The talk explores how times of crises exacerbate the vulnerabilities and barriers faced by people with disabilities, and examines the most effective way to ensure no-one is left behind.

 A time of worship, an address, refreshments & informal discussion.  Everyone Welcome

Best wishes


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