Traffic Calming

30mphBob Branch, Chairman of the Haslingfield Parish Council reported: “Skanska have completed draft drawings for the first stage of traffic calming  measures. They have been reviewed by HPC and are being amended slightly. The drawings will be discussed with CCC and CCC will then prepare draft Road Traffic Orders for publication and consultation. At present things are on track for completion of the work in late summer or autumn of this year. HPC are now considering possible measures for a second stage of work.”

Comments (1)

  • James


    What is really needed is a giveway sign at the bridge on the road to Harston, so that vehicles coming out of Harston have the right of way. The amount of near head on accidents that occur there is unbelieveable. It is a simple fix as well as it will ensure vehicles entering Harston are more likely to do so at 30mph rather than 60mph which I have seen


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