Minutes of Parish Council Meeting 13th January


Minutes of meeting held on Monday 13th January 2014Present – Tony Adcock, Trina Backhurst, Bob Branch, Julie Coxall, Lucian Hatfield, Jenny Jullien, Christine Kipping, John Offord, Ron van der Hoorn and Sue Watson were in attendance. County Councillor Sebastian Kindersley was present.

There was 1 member of the public present.

1                                       Apologies for absence – Robin Page

2                    Declarations of Interest – There was a declaration of interest from JO regarding the planning application at 48 High Street.

3                                       Open Forum for public participation – no questions

4                                       Minutes of the meeting held on December 9th were approved and signed

5                    Matters to be reported from these minutes – SK followed up Highways to repaint the white lines at Harston end of the village. This is in hand, but is weather dependent. The renting out of properties in the district was discussed. SC Homes Ltd will buy existing houses coming onto the market to rent at the market rate.

6          County Councillors Report – SK thanks for letter re Trumpington Meadows.  Council tax base changing – there is going to be a shortfall in the number of band D properties.  There will be an apparent increase in parish council precepts but no extra funds will be passed on to PCs.

Buses – the 75 service in Haslingfield is under threat. People asked to complete questionnaires by extended date for comment on buses by 29th January 2014. Park and Ride concessions are threatened. Pest control is no longer funded and HPC will now have to pay for bin emptying at the Village Hall by a trade waste unit.

7                    District Councillors Report  – None

8                    Planning Applications and Decisions

S/2592/13/FL 48 High St, loft extension with dormer windows – recommended

S/1738/13/DC Former Monsanto Site – no recommendation

S/2308/13/FL 75 New Rd, Studio extension to existing garage – passed

9                    Additional Matters for Discussion – TB suggested putting a photo of the plaque on the village website. RB to find legal documents re the Tennis Club. On the left hand side of New Road at the Barton Road end, people keep driving onto the grass verge opposite the bus stop – investigate need for more bollards

It was agreed to put an advert on the village website for Twilight at the Museums.

Extra village hall parking is needed because New Road and High Street are becoming full of parked cars during busy times. Village Hall Committee asked to investigate.

10                Committee and Working Party Reports –

a)                Environment – Wellhouse Meadow wall is smothered in ivy in need of cutting back.  This is to be dealt with in the spring when new growth starts. Tree cutting on North side has been done but a large amount of debris was left behind.  It will be cleared independently. Rebecca Ridley will be emailed to check on actions required, and tre cutting agreement will be checked to see if site clearance should have been included.

b)                  Village Hall – RH reported that bids for refurbishment are due next week.    Judith Wright has been appointed as Cleaner from 1st December.  There is a proposal for football club flood-lighting for dark evenings training and the need for planning permission for this is to be investigated.

c)                Allotments – Allotments next to the river were flooded.  There is currently one plot free.  A strimmer and lawnmower owned by the Parish Council were taken over by the Allotment Committee.

d)               Trumpington Meadows – CK had no news to report on the Trumpington Meadows development

e)                Play Area – JC reported that play area has been very wet but was still being well used by villagers

f)                Website and C&V – RH reported no further progress on business directory which will be one line per service only.  The website is running out of space and may need funds money to provide extra capacity for the website. C & V will carry advertising and generally no advertising on the website.  Any website posting will be co-ordinated with C&V issue.

g)               Tennis Club Planned Developments – Solicitors Thompson, Webb & Corfield, Union Rd, Cambridge approved to act on the Tennis Club lease issue, subject to agreement on terms within the approved budget, and Chairman RB and Clerk FB authorised to negotiate to finalise fees and actions required.

h)             Parish Emergency Plan – TA will organise a letter to be put round the village.  Margie Lewis (Nurse) and John Miller (ex-Army), New Road, volunteered to help Emergency Plan Committee. Meetings to be quarterly.  The Village Hall was approved as the preferred emergency centre. An updated copy of the Emergency Plan is to be available for the next HPC meeting,

Financial requirements approved for action by Emergency Plan Committee;

1: A phone line with broadband to the Village maximum £250 per annum.  TA proposed LH seconded – approved

2. First aid course for all EPC members, (valid 3 years) plus high visibility waistcoats, a secure emergency box, stationary, torches, batteries etc. at a total cost of £1,500, starting now.

TA proposed JJ seconded – Approved

Emergency Officer to communicate with full parish council on all spending

11                Correspondence – RB had received a letter from Keith Bennett regarding trees planted on Parish Council land in Lilac Close. In Trinity Close saplings have been planted on Parish Council land which is cut by the County Council Highways.

JH has map of verges.  RB to check ownerships of land and consider what actions the council should take. CK to contact Environment Committee together with Keith to discuss further.

12        Cycle path from Grantchester to Haslingfield – LH submitted report on the cycle path which was approved for action, subject to detailed comments. More up to date costings will be prepared and the whole submitted to the various authorities for action.  LH proposed a tarmac surface, to provide something to last. .  CK suggested asking Harlton/Barrington to contribute to the cost.  Comments are requested from SK and all councillors by Friday 24th January 2014. RB mentioned that Section 106 money for the cycle path may need topping up to complete the project.

13        Road Safety Initiative – RB presented report on stage 1. Councillors preferred a Thriplow style wide speed bump on Barton Rd rather than chicanes. RB to follow up.

14        Motion to Suspend Standing Orders to facilitate road safety works

RB motion to suspend relevant SOs and Finance Regulations to allow negotiation directly with CCC preferred supplier approved nem con. RB authorised to negotiate directly with County Council Framework Contractor Skanska (as preferred supplier) for the First Stage works.

15        Precept for 2014/15 – TA submitted precept details for discussion. The amount of £64,182 is a slightly lower figure than last year. 

CK proposed and TB seconded proposal for precept – Agreed

16        New equipment for Recreation Ground – Further consideration required; raise at next meeting.

17        Community Governance Review of Trumpington Meadows – Approved draft letter to Tracey Mann SCDC to confirm proposed boundaries.  RB to sign.

18        Finance – Outstanding accounts and salary cheques signed for payment:

Date of next meeting Monday 10th February 2014 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall

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