Minutes of Parish Council meeting 9th December



    Minutes of meeting held on Monday December 9th 2013

Present –Trina Backhurst, Bob Branch, Julie Coxall, Christine Kipping, John Offord, Ron van der Hoorn, Sebastian Kindersley and Robin Page were in attendance

There were 5  members of the public present


1        Apologies for absence –Tony Adcock, Lucian Hatfield, Jennie Jullien and Sue Watson

2        There were no declarations of interest

3        Open Forum – Peter Haynes asked about the schedule for traffic calming work in Barton Rd.  RB thought that some work should commence in the next 12 months

4        Minutes of meeting held on November 11th were agreed and signed.             

5        Matters to be reported from these minutes –  Frances Bishop has been appointed as Parish Clerk, her duties will commence from January 2nd.  The current Clerk will act as mentor for the first 6 months, and will handle the February 2014 meeting.  The vandalised dog waste bin near the skate park has still not been replaced.  No more quotes received for aboricultural inspection.  SK is chasing Highways to repaint white lines at Harston end of the village

6        Planning – Tree work – reduce an Acer tree by 50% and remove low secondary limbs  to prevent branches breaking tiles on roof of adjacent Methodist Church – 23 High St – recommended

Amendments to planning consent on plots 349352 (windows and doors) and Blocks D1 and D2 to include relocated Bin Store (plus associated windows and doors) at Phase 1 Trumpington Meadows.  (This is for information only)

Permission granted fortwo storey side extension, 69 New Rd, two storey rear extension and dormer windows, 17 Watson’s Yard, single storey front extension, 34 Church St

7        Additional Matters for discussion –Ivy and brambles have been removed from the bus shelter at the junction of Lilac Close and the High St following complaints from residents. Evidence of drug taking has been found and reported.  .  A driver has reported her car leaving the road and finishing up in the ditch on Sunday December 1st near River Farm going towards Cambridge. This has been reported to the police.  She informed me that 4 other people had reported problems at that spot, any information to the Parish Clerk please.  There was no oil visible on the road.  Ivy has still not been removed from the School House and the dead tree has not been removed from no12 High St

8         County Councillors Report –SCDC has set up a company which will buy properties and then rent them out to the public at market rates.  The council is in effect becoming a landlord competing with all other property management companies.  The advantages  are that the council can borrow at a discounted rate and already has an in-house housing management team.  Black bin rubbish is now recyclable once again at Waterbeach.  It is now processing all Cambridgeshire’s waste.  During the breakdown of the Mechanical Biological Treatment Plant (MBT) no additional costs were passed on to the local tax payers or the council.  All local authorities in England are facing enormous cuts, Cambs is the fastest growing county and receives a particularly poor government settlement as well as the lowest education funding of any local authority.  The District council are currently undertaking a consultation about the future of its enforcement services.  Enforcement can involve enforcing planning conditions, dealing with fly tipping and dog mess or breaches of licenses.  These services are being streamlined to make them more efficient.  There is a CCC meeting on 11th December to agree it’s new constitution.  The CCC spends £150,000 per annum, per person to look after 6 people with severe disabilities who are housed in Lincolnshire.  The plan is to move them back to Cambridge where hopefully the costs will be lower.

9        District Councillor– the CEMEX application has to be in by May 14th 2014.  Other planning issues are coming to a head including areas not part of the consultation.  If Bourn airfield is given the go ahead for development it will have a major impact traffic wise on Harlton, Haslingfield and the Eversdens.  RP considers Trumpington Meadows to be planning at it’s worst. There is insufficient infrastructure for the number of houses there.   Six thousand members of the community will be commuting and a number of houses are being bought by foreign landlords to rent out.

      10   Committee and Working party Reports


A – Environment – M Hendy agreed to burn rubbish date to be agreed with Environment Committee

B – Village Hall – A new cleaner had been appointed but has since turned the job down.  Neil Poole has offered to clean the hall for the next month until someone can be found.  RvdH is hoping to obtain a second hand floor polisher.  The deep clean of the hall has now taken place

C   Allotments – report on AGM – 4 people were present.  The following were elected :-

Chairman                                 Dick Kingshott

Member Secretary                   Jon Spain

Meeting Secretary                   Fae Southwell

Treasurer                                 Ron van der Hoorne

Committee Member                Stephen Richardson

There are 28 Plot holders on 33 plots with 2 vacant plots.  The balance carried forward is


It was agreed that the mower and strimmer belonging to the Parish Council which has been in store for a while should be handed over to the Allotment Committee

D   Trumpington Meadows  – John Pym is having discussions on the Local Centre Strategy which will be located outside  the front of the new school.  This should be submitted early in the New Year.  A pre application meeting has been held regarding a proposed Wildlife Trust maintenance/office building and adjacent allotments

E   Play Area – No report

F    Website/C & V – No further report, registration is due in February

G    Tennis Club Development – a legal document is required giving details of the lease between

        the Club and HPC before  planning can be applied for, RB is dealing with this.

11    Correspondence  -reply received from Insurance Co re snow clearance.  The PC is not covered

for salting, gritting or clearing on main roads by the use of a snow plough or other mechanical means.            Cover is not included for clearing private property – (reply circulated).  This complaint was referred to managers but no update received yet).  Bills for street lighting from CC are to be sent annually rather than 6 monthly.  HPC has been unsuccessful in the bid for a Bus facility Improvement Grant.

The payment for Public Open Space and Community Facilities Contributions in respect of 26 New Road has been offered.  The total amount is £2715.90.  The Village Society have offered to provide a recycled plastic bench seat in the Wellhouse Meadow next to the Bakehouse.  This was accepted with thanks       

12    Cycle path from Grantchester to Haslingfield – report awaited

13    Report on Road Safety Initiative – RB has a meeting with ‘SKANSKA’the CCC Highways Framework Contractors on 12.12.13 to discuss details

14     Precept – the proposals from the Finance Committee were discussed and with a few amendments will be brought before the council again in January

15    Site for plaque on Village Hall, – this will be to the left of the front door and will be unveiled  at the start of the New Year’s walk at 11am on January 1st.  JO will arrange installation and it will be unveiled by Christine Tod and Bob Ridout.

16    New equipment for recreation Ground – c/f  A letter to be sent to the Executors of Freddie Gellert’s will explaining why the money has not yet been spent.

17    Arrangements for presentation by Grosvenor and Savills on Cambridge Sporting Village –   16.12.13 – Councillors to arrive at 7.15 to put chairs out.  RB to introduce speakers and wind up the meeting which should last no longer than 1 hour.

18    Community Governance Review of Trumpington Meadows –Grantchester PC have agreed to take Lingey Fen into their parish, and the other boundary is to be proposed as the line of the M11.  A public meeting will be held in the New Year to explain this to residents.  TRA is to be consulted on this.

19    Finance – Refund of VAT received – £2553.55. 

Payment of accounts proposed by TB seconded  JO

Date of next meeting Monday January 13th at 7.30 pm in the Village Hall







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