Planning Meeting

There will be a Parish Council planning meeting on Tuesday December 3rd 2013  at 7 pm in the Village Hall

S/2308/13/FL – Studio Extension to existing garage, 75 New Rd

S/2336/13/FL – Proposed installation of photovoltaic panels to the roof slopes of agricultural buildings,     Cantelupe Farm

S/2229/13/LB – Rear extension and internal and external alterations, 46 Barton Rd

S/2228/13/FL – single storey extension and erection of garage 46 Barton Rd

Janet Hendy, Parish Clerk

26th November 2013

Comments (2)

  • Jane Carmichael


    I agree. I was heading out of the village at 06:55 a.m. yesterday doing the regulation 30 mph, and was overtaken (!) by another car going at least 15 mph faster. Unfortunately I was alone and couldn’t make a note of the number plate.


  • Peter Hains


    I hope that some action will soon be taken regarding the speed of traffic on Barton Road. It must only be a matter of time before there is a serious accident. I am watching the road outside as I write this, and I would say that the ‘average’ vehicle travels at 45mph with some certainly at 60 and above. Any stray pet, or a child without road sense would not stand a chance. Can we have some traffic calming measures on Barton Road as soon as possible please. Many local villages have taken great steps forward in recent years e.g Dry Drayton, so why can’t we?


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