Haslingfield & Harlton Youth Club Bus Project – News

connectionsHaslingfield and Harlton Parish Councils  have now taken over all responsibilities for ‘The Connections Youth Bus’, to ensure that our young people continue to benefit from this very valuable facility.

If you have children (year 7 onwards) please encourage them to come along to Haslingfield Village Hall Car Park on a Wednesday after school (16.00 to 18.00) to enjoy the benefits accruing from the commitment of our Parish Council. The youth workers will be delighted to welcome them on board.

Now in its ninth year, the project started in November 2004 with the setting up of a trust fund by a small group of villagers who were determined to establish a youth facility for our young people of the village. The aim was to organise the visit of ‘The Connections Youth Bus’, together with their youth workers, each Wednesday during school term times. This arrangement has continued very successfully with an average of over 20 (11-18 year olds) attending the sessions each week – out of a registered pool of over 60 from the two villages of Haslingfield and Harlton.

Visit costs during the 9 years have risen more than 5 fold, starting at £40 per visit, primarily because major funding of The Connections Charity has dried up, causing them to pass on their real costs to the villages who subscribe. So, this is why the Parish Council have stepped in to secure the future of the ‘Youth Bus’ attending in Haslingfield.

More information at:  https://haslingfieldvillage.co.uk/connections-bus-project

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