Parish Council Minutes

Minutes of meeting held on Monday December 13th 2010

Present –Marjorie Richardson (In the chair), David Blake, Martin Heazell, Christine Kipping, Margaret Long, Olga Murkin, John Offord, Wendy Timbs , John Wheelhouse

District Councillor Liz Heazell and County Councillor Sebastian Kindersley were in attendance

There were 8 members of the public present

The Chairman welcomed Jean Hunter the new Chief Executive of SCDC and the new Parish Councillor David Blake

1      Apologies for absence –Lucian Hatfield, David Slight

2     Members Declaration of Interest – JW – planning application S/0653/10, 18 The Knapp

3     Open Forum – objections were raised to plans to erect a dwelling to the rear of 41 Chestnut Close, and also to non decision on the proposal to develop land to the west of 18 The Knapp.  Comments were made about the proposed yellow lines around the school.

4     Minutes of meeting held on November 8th were agreed and signed, proposed by WT seconded by JW 

5     Matters to be reported from these minutes – public exhibition in the Village Hall on January 6th by the agents for Richard Pemberton on the proposed solar farm; also exhibition of proposed plans for the new school at Trumpington Meadows on the same date, 2.30pm – 7pm

Pruning of trees in Cantelupe Rd, The Elms and in front of Pates Farm is now in the hands of CCC Highways

No response from Karen Lunn at CCC re yellow lines around the school

A meeting has been held with HPC and SCDC representatives to discuss a route for a cycleway between Haslingfield and Trumpington Meadows

6      Planning – S/2049/10 – erection of dwelling 41 Chestnut Close – not recommended

S/2076/10 – detached double garage, 43 High St – recommended

S/2141/10 – discharge of conditions, Byrons Pool Nature Reserve – recommended

S/1900/10 – non material amendment, 62 High St – recommended

S/0653/10 – appeal against non determination of planning permission for site west of 18 The Knapp – site visit requested

Permission granted by SCDC for conservatory at 44 Barton Rd and variation of condition 5 to change window type at 3 Knapp Rise

Permission granted for erection of bungalow following demolition of existing workshop at 29 Barton Rd

7      Additional Matters for discussion – abolition of standards regime including the Code of  Conduct

The following are in the hands of the enforcement officer 29 The Elms, 27 High Stand 62 High St

December 14th is the deadline for objections to the change in speed limit from 60 to 50 on the Barton to Cambridge Road.  A speaker from ‘The Bobby Scheme’ will attend the Luncheon Club in January

8      County Councillors Report – CCC will need to make some £40m of savings in 2011/12 to produce a balanced budget, with the year on year savings targets for the next five years amounting to £60m. – short version – if you want something done in your parish you will have to pay for it.  There are proposals to build a new secondary school at Cambourne, but with no community facilities; this goes against the principle of ‘village colleges’.

Addenbrookes Access Road is being well used, there is a traffic regulation order to make it an offence to drive through the hospital site without requiring access to the site itself.  An automatic number plate recognition camera system has been installed which records motor vehicle registration plates at all entry and exit points to the hospital site, these are then cross matched and the journey times through the site monitored to detect through motor vehicle movements.

The contractors for the Guided Bus are being replaced.

If you live in local authority or housing association housing and your needs change or your house becomes too big for them, the council can help you find more suitable accommodation.  Please get in touch if you need help.

Jimmy’s Night Shelter – donations of clothing, food, shaving foam, razors and new boxer shorts are needed as well as money

9     District Councillors Report – Petition against non gritting of Barton Rd and New Rd is in all the shops and the pub.  There has been a request from the residents of Wisbey’s Yard for yellow lines to be painted along their road.  This is being dealt with by CCC Highways.  The fence erected outside the cottage in Church Way does not conform to planning regulations.

10   Committee and Working party Reports

A – Environment  – Report has been circulated outlining work planned for the immediate future.

More volunteers are needed as well as committee members

B – Pavilion  – a spec is being drawn up for the proposed work under the section 106 payment from Wisbey’s Yard

C – Allotments – there are 34 tenants with one vacant plot.  There is a proposal to introduce two young pigs next year to graze the area at the back of the site and eventually restore this area into more plots – more information is needed

11    Payment of Public Open Space contribution – 62 High St – agreed

12    Correspondence

Invitation from Little Footsteps Children’s centre to the official opening of  their centre by Lord Laming on Thursday January 27th at 3.30pm – WT, CK and OM to attend

           Report on the activities of Haslingfield Community Warden Scheme

           Update on the North West Cambridge Project

           Guidance on Rural affordable housing and developing an Exception site

           Parish Council guide of what to do in the event of snow or ice

           CPALC – Michael Williamson from Waterbeach PC is anxious to resurrect the South Cambs  

           District Association – information required when meetings are set up

13    Newsletter – items from –  WT and CK on bus project – MH on environment committee plans – suggestions for Section 106 money – CEO’s visits to Parish Councils – articles to be submitted to the Clerk by January 10th

14    Section 106 payment in respect of Wisbey’s yard – pond dredging and platform repairs to be paid for by HPC

15    Payment of loan to PWLB by Direct Debit  – agreed

16    Sustainable Communities – draft letter to be circulated to HPC

17    Digital Switch over project – no volunteers.  The Village Warden to be asked if there is anyone needing help

18    Winter Service – third party working – provision of gritting bins – Tim Austin has already volunteered to assist with snow clearing.  No bins to be provided

19    Open spaces questionnaire c/f

20   Trumpington Meadows Public Art required – MR volunteered

21    Finance – Resolution to pay of outstanding accounts proposed by JW seconded by JO

         Investment of general reserve £50K with Cyprus Bank  4 years 4.3% votes 8 for 1 against

         Budget and precept request 2011/12 is £63, 402,  £5,300 less than last year agreed nem con proposed  WT seconded CK

22   Date of next meeting Monday January 10th 2011

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Comments (1)

  • anonymous


    Why do we Haslingfield residents have no idea of how to behave when it snows?


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