A celebration by the Haslingfield/Barton Scout Group and Haslingfield Playschool will be held in the Well House Meadow, Haslingfield on Saturday 6 November. Gates open at 6.00 p.m. (firework display at 6.30. p.m.)  

Tickets are available from Playschool and Scout Group leaders, Haslingfield shops, Norman Bradshaw  or at the gate. Hot refreshments and home-cooked food (including hotdogs, filled baked potatoes, soups, cakes and snacks) will be on sale.

If you have anything for burning on the bonfire, please deliver it to the site between 11.00 a.m. and 2.00 p.m. on Saturday 6 November. Please do not deliver it there at any other time as a Scout Leader needs to be there to receive it.

Under NO circumstances will spectators be admitted with their own fireworks (this includes sparklers).

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Comments (1)

  • william


    Just come back from the fireworks. It was good weather, not too cold, not too much wind and no rain. The turns out seemed very big and the fireworks got going at about 6.45pm. They were really good and there was enough wind to clear the smoke away before the next round went off. The bonfire once lit burned really well and sent flames high into the sky. It had burned down quite low in less than an hour. There was a good refreshments tent and St. John’s Ambulance – although fortunately the latter had no customers.


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