Come and Join the Cast of Treasure Island!

Haslingfield Little Theatre will be staging the traditional family pantomime Treasure Island on 23, 24, 25  November at Haslingfield Village Hall.

Rehearsals commence on Monday, September 4 and the director is eager to fill three remaining parts to complete the cast of 30 led by Robert Louis Stevenson’s popular sea-dog Long John Silver.  It is a wonderful opportunity for aspiring actors to join an award winning group and join Silver and Dame Trott on their journey to the South Seas.  The roles available are:

  • JIM (Male juvenile lead).  Ideally aged between 14 and 24 years
    The hero.  Dame Trott’s teenage son.  Personality and ability to cope with plenty of lines essential.
  • LAURA (Female juvenile lead).  Ideally aged between 14 and 24 years
    Dame Trott’s serving girl. Has a soft spot for Jim.  Personality, able to cope with lots of lines.  Sings a solo.
  • COUNT BACKWARDS (Male). No specific age.
    The wicked piratical villain.  Big part for an ‘evil’ man.  Must be able to attract hatred and abuse.

If you wish to join our crew, it just takes a telephone call or an e-mail to the director, John Smith on either 01223 817403 or 077223  55223 or to   We look forward to hearing from you.

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