Next Village Society Talk: Tuesday 18th October

From Duroliponte to Cambridge (via Grantchester): A summary of the archaeology of Cambridge
Speaker:  Quinton Carroll
Tuesday 18th October 2022 at 8.00pm in Haslingfield Village Hall

Cambridge is rightly regarded as one of Britain’s most historic cities, yet its origins and remains stretch back further.  The city has evolved over centuries, changed its name and even shifted location in response to changes.  Archaeology is the record of that evolution.

Quinton Carroll has been a curatorial archaeologist with Cambridgeshire County Archaeological Archives Forum, is the chair of the Association of Local Government Archaeological Officers: England, and is a member of the ‘Advisory Panel on the Archaeology of Burials in England’.

Quinton was unable to come to Haslingfield in January due to Covid restrictions and we are now very pleased to welcome him.

You are all welcome – just come along.

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