Snow White Read-through and Auditions: 25 & 28 July

We are delighted to announce that our next show will be the panto Snow White, by Ben Crocker, which we will be performing on 17, 18 and 19 November 2022 at Haslingfield Village Hall. If you are interested in being involved, do come along to the read-through on Monday 25 July and auditions on Thursday 28 July – both at 7.30 pm at Haslingfield Village Hall.

We would be pleased to see both experienced performers and people who would like to come along for the first time. We would also love to hear from people who might join our backstage team, including artistic people who can help us to paint back-drops. We’re a friendly group and you will receive a very warm welcome.

Rehearsals start on 25 August and will take place every Monday & Thursday evenings at Haslingfield Village Hall.

For more information, contact: Judith Brammar at: or Peter Hains at: and to find out more about us click here.

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