Interactive Historical Map of Haslingfield

The software coding group at Haslingfield Primary School, under the supervision of Phil Golden have been working on an interactive historical map of Haslingfield. This has been featured in national media and has been presented to the Haslingfield Village Society and at the Platinum Jubilee Festival.

– Click on the green flag to begin
– Click/drag the slider to change the year
– Press ‘l’ to hide/show icons
– Purple icons include archive photo (shows for 10 seconds or until space bar is pressed)

Suggested corrections/additions are greatly appreciated. Please add comments below or email Phil Golden.

Comments (7)

  • Lynda Farrington


    Actually he was a regular at The Jolly Brewers but lived at was The Carpenters Arms for a brief time as most of his life lived next door at Grove Cottage (40 Church Street )




    An interesting document showing socio-demographic evomution in the village.
    Memories of my former days in the village, and its people. Could this be married to the
    photo archive to give an extra dimension?


  • David R Green


    It might be worthwhile investigating making something similar to the Discover Maps (see website) for Haslingfield given its history etc.

    Best Wishes


  • Joe Caprani


    This is brilliant and really interesting! Well done to Phil and all his young protégés.


  • Robin Leigh Perry


    First class! but I think you have the Jolly Brewers pinned on the wrong side of the road.. has any one else picked that up? Regards Robin


  • Andrew Gillies


    Hi Phil
    The icons for the Jolly Brewers pub and Carpenters Arms pub need to be swapped.
    The Carpenters Arms was on Church Street and the Jolly Brewers on Barton Road. I was looking at 1955 but applies for all years. My father-in-law, Basil Patman (who lived in Haslingfield for most of his life) was a regular at the Carpenters Arms and when it closed and became a house he moved into it! I can remember bowls being played on the bowling green at the Jolly Brewers pub in the early 1980’s.


  • Phil Golden


    Fixed the location of the Cobbler’s Shop, which is now to the left (west) of The Marquis of Grandby. Thanks for the feedback on Sunday!


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