Trees on the green in Chestnut Close

The Parish Council propose to put two new trees on the green in Chestnut Close.  Please see the attached for more information.

Trees on the green in Chestnut Close

Comments (4)

  • Mrs Tracey Lee


    To be honest the amount of years I’ve lived in the close .the green has been used by everyone .mostly lads playing football .these trees will not last they will either get broken .or kids will be told they can’t play in the area the trees are .two is more than enough as it’s known there is plenty of people getting broken into .having a open area people can see who is around crust shouldn’t be and watch out for folks .personally I think this is a bad idea planting trees on the green .


  • Mary Shanahan


    I love the idea of the two trees on the Chestnut Close green. It is rather bare at present, and will be a lovely place for the residents to sit and enjoy a shady chat.


  • Mr & Mrs Shadbolt


    We fear that these trees would interfere with our right to light, also large trees would produce roots that could damage properties and road and leaves would blow into our garden. We feel that this is not the appropriate place for tree planting.


  • Stephanie Stannard


    Just 2?! We’ve been campaigning for more for quite sometime…. 2 is a good start…


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