NHW – Warmer Weather Brings Opportunities For Burglars

There is usually a notable correlation each year between when we get the warmer months and opportunistic burglaries where windows and doors have been left open.
Make sure windows are closed fully when leaving your home or even when you are in your garden (if you are fortunate enough to have one!) and make sure your front door is locked.
Sadly some people see this as a window of opportunity to quickly enter homes and take items they can then sell on, often going unnoticed for some time.
Also, homes without basic security features are five times more likely to be burgled than homes with security, therefore our advice is to put in place simple yet effective, precautionary measures to reduce the chances of becoming a victim of burglary. See some security measures here:  

Security measures that can be taken are:
installing a visible burglar alarm
having good outdoor lighting or motion sensored security lights
locking doors, windows, side gates and outbuildings when you leave your house, even if you’re just out in the garden
keeping vehicle keys out of sight and away from letterboxes
keeping ladders and tools stored away
Please be vigilant and report any concerns about suspicious activity – even if you think it may be nothing, it could help the police prevent a burglary or catch those responsible.
Sharing information on social media or with your neighbours is great, but please also remember to pass it to the police.
To report information, visit https://bit.ly/3enN585 or use the online webchat function at https://bit.ly/3vsiYDw. Those without internet access should call 101, but always dial 999 if a crime is in action or someone is in immediate danger.
More information on how to keep your home safe can be found on the police website at https://bit.ly/3elWc9l.
Message received from:
Lauren Alexander (Police, Senior Communications Officer, Cambridgeshire Constabulary)

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