Country Kitchen Update (14 April)

country kitchen logo“We hope you’ve enjoyed a relaxing Easter in the glorious weather, even if it wasn’t the Easter you thought you’d be having. Certainly our Country Kitchen staff feel a bit more rested after the extra day’s break we enjoyed after an incredibly busy Good Friday, when we despatched (among other things) 120 Hot Cross buns!

Opening hours remain unchanged for the remainder of the week. Just to recap, the shop is open from 10 – 1, but we take telephone orders from 9 – 1, and make deliveries once the shop has completed trading for the day. We encourage telephone and email orders, and contactless remains our preferred payment method.

Stock levels are good, with all types of flour back in plentiful supply, and store cupboard essentials back to normal stock levels. Sausage rolls, pizza slices, coronation chicken, roasted veg and coleslaw are still made in our kitchen, but other home-cooking has been paused for the moment. Our wonderful local suppliers are keeping us well stocked with meat, veg, bread and milk (although many of the smaller companies are now closed on Mondays to allow them an extra recovery day, as the new procedures and processes continue to take their toll on everyone), and our deli supplier faithfully delivers our cheese, cream and other deli items. We are very fortunate to have such an excellent network of dedicated suppliers.

Thank you all for bearing with our essential but cumbersome(for all!) processes, for queueing patiently, for your kind words and smiles. Haslingfield is a stunning community and we are fortunate to be part of it.

Keep well, stay safe and we look forward to hearing from you, or seeing you at a 2m distance!”

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