Haslingfield Parish Council Notice: Tree Felling – Next Week

Several trees will be felled next week, between Tuesday 29th September and Thursday 1st October for a variety of reasons; some are dead, some are at risk of losing limbs and some are at risk of falling onto villagers’ property.

A notice has been posted on most of the trees (the ones we could get to) and a note put through the doors of the nearby houses. The trees in question are located in:

• Porkers Lane
• Badcock Road
• The Elms
• The Recreation Ground backing onto the gardens in Cantelupe Road
• The Recreation Ground backing onto the High Street
• River Lane

It has been agreed with the Tree Surgeons that the logs and the chippings will be left. Please help yourself to either or both if you can make use of them.

Any queries please contact Jacqui Cressey, Parish Clerk on 01223 870269 or by email clerk@haslingfieldparish.co.uk

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