Haslingfield Parish Council Agenda – 9 November 2020

The Haslingfield Parish Council Meeting will be taking place this Monday 9th November at 7.30 pm. Note that this is a virtual meeting. To see the agenda, please click: 20201109 Agenda HPC Meeting

Comments (2)



    Perhaps government at all levels from lowest to highest, and committees, have
    taken into consideration the announcement over recent days of the trade
    agreement concluded between East Asian and Pacific countries. An enormous
    step. This will likely put evermore imports via Felixstowe. Exports post Brexit, and
    the US election in question.
    This new Asia -Pacific arrangement a “Trojan Horse” to further ulterior ambitions?
    Whatever, traffic on this proposed line will impact villages such as Haslingfield,
    my birthplace and home for over 50 years.
    Products that arrive via Felixstowe will influence life through what appears on
    supermarket shelves; popular products in many instances.
    Eyes and thoughts are best turned beyond parish and local boundaries, important
    though these are.
    Neville James Coe




    Proposed EWR to Felixstowe
    Given the events over the last days, maybe thought be given by the interested
    parties to the following. A change of resident in Washington’s White House
    will probably alter perspectives on the anticipated mega trade deals. The view
    vis-a-vis UK will likely be modified around Brexit arrangements.
    The volume of container traffic reducing from previously proposed levels, both
    ways. Sources of traffic from Asia/Pacific, may compensate(?)
    Does a very expensive, contraversial line, support the foreseeable traffic?
    Echos of HS2? Something that should be considered at all levels of
    authority, from lowest to highest.
    Tlmes may well be changing.
    Neville James Cole


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