Important Message – Country Kitchen

country kitchen logoAt Country Kitchen, we’ve implemented the following extraordinary measures this morning, in a bid to keep everyone safer, help to prevent virus transmission and to hopefully allow us to continue providing food to our valued customers.

1. We are only taking card payments, or the running of a ‘tab’. For payments in the shop, contactless only please. No cash to be handled whatsoever. Happy to set up a tab with our valued customers; new customers would need to pre-pay the tab to an agreed amount

2. We aren’t allowing customers in the shop. This is incredibly sad for us, but we’ve placed a table by the front door, and you will be served from there.

3. Our preference is for customers to place orders via phone (874284), or to email us on . We’re happy to deliver locally for anyone self-isolating, or you can enjoy this wonderful weather, have a stroll to the shop, and pick up your shopping from the front door.

4. Stringent cleaning of all surfaces will continue, and all staff will keep to the 2m rule while working in the shop, and when taking deliveries. This should hopefully give you the confidence that we’re doing everything to keep you safe, while allowing ourselves to continue to trade and keep our customers fed!

Please stay safe, and keep to the government guidelines for all our sakes. We thank you for your valued support and we will sorely miss the personal touch and our wonderful daily interaction.

With very best wishes from Country Kitchen

Comments (1)

  • Steve


    Great job thanks for continuing


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