Film Club

REMINDER:  At tonight’s Film Club  (Friday 11th May 2018)  at 7.30pm we shall meet in Haslingfield Methodist Church Rooms.  Admission is free.  Running time 112 min. Certificate: 12+.  We break for tea, coffee and biscuits half way through.  ‘Hard of hearing’ subtitles will be used. 

To avoid having a fixed charge for the evening we have opted (for copyright reasons) not to advertise details of the films on notice boards, the web site or in the Church and Village Magazine.   As an alternative we ask for a voluntary donation of from £3 each to cover cost of refreshments and use of the premises.   Please invite friends and let me know if there are others who would like to be included on the email list. 

Best wishes


Please note:  Thanks to everyone who responded to the Data Protection request and who agreed to my sending information on Haslingfield Film Club meetings.  There are a few people attending fairly regularly who haven’t responded – perhaps they are away.  After May 25th 2018, I shall only send out information to those who have given their current permission. 

After the May meeting, there will be a break for the ’summer’ period and will continue in September 2018.  If you have any thoughts on suitable films to show, please drop us an email.  Have a good summer break.  Phil and Joyce 



Comments (1)

  • Amanda


    If you are coming to tonight’s Film Club, there will be tickets on sale during the interval for next week’s Haslingfield Little Theatre production, RolePlay by Alan Ayckbourn at the Village Hall (Thurs 17 & Sat 19 May performances only). Tickets at £10/£7 concessions (Thurs); £10 (Saturday).


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