Residents of Haslingfield will be familiar with the Church bells ringing out before services, at weddings, on days of national celebration and on Thursday evenings, when we practice.

On Monday, April 9th at 3pm, a team will ring a full peal to commemorate those from Haslingfield who died in the First World War.  April 9th is the anniversary of the death of Private Edward Newling who was born in the village and who was killed in action when serving in the Suffolk Regiment.  Private Newling has descendants who live in the village today.

The peal is part of a nationwide campaign to honour the memory of those who died in the war. 1,400 bell ringers lost their lives during the conflict and the Central Council of Church Bell Ringers would like to recruit the same number of new ringers who will be able to join existing teams marking the centenary of the end of the war by ringing on November 11th.

Bell ringers are a friendly community including members of all faiths.  To see them click on the picture to enlarge it.

For more information about learning to ring, to visit the belfry or to learn more about the ‘Ringing Remembers’ campaign, please contact Meg Bedford on 870446

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