Environment Working Party, April 2nd

This band of positive villagers has continued to work on the Well-house Meadow. We have secured all 20 fruit trees with rabbit guards, stakes and membranes to prevent weeds. In the autumn we hope to have a permanent sign made so that villagers can identify all the trees, and maybe a new seat.  Meanwhile we have spent 4 sessions cutting the ivy on the Tudor wall, and you can now see our beautiful and historic wall in all its glory.

On April 2nd, 1.30 onward, we move on to Lilac  Close around the bus shelter to tidy up around the newly planted lilac trees, which are growing well.

You are all welcome to come and assist – with children too. Put the second Sunday afternoon each month (the regular dates) in your diaries now.   Contact me and I will let you know what to bring. You can e mail me at jaythevamper@btinternet.com; telephone on 870688

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