Reminder – Phase 3 of the Traffic Calming Scheme

Don’t forget that for your vote to be valid you must complete and return your form to any Parish Councillor or the Clerk by midnight on Tuesday 31st October 2017.
We would encourage every villager on the electoral register to vote, to ensure that the answer we get from the ballot is truly representative of the views of the village. Irrespective of the number of ballot papers received, the answer that receives the most votes will determine whether or not Phase 3 is to be implemented
Remember, in a close contest your vote matters, and if you don’t vote you may end up with something you don’t want. – Jenny Jullien (Chair – HPC)

Comments (7)

  • C Fletcher


    I’d really like to understand why people don’t want speed bumps. Surely slowing cars down through our village is a good thing. If you drive slowly and carefully over them then it is not going to damage your car and could end up saving someone’s life. The speed at which some cars come through our village is terrifying.


  • K Woodard


    Why stop the humps? This is a chance to create safe access to our school, provide safe crossing places for our children and slow down traffic for families living on Church Street, High Street, Barton Rd and New Road. We need to face facts that our lovely village is used as a rat run (and will get worse with the Barrington development) and there is a serious accident waiting to happen.


  • william


    For those people against traffic calming. I would ask you to think how you would feel if there were a serious traffic accident in Haslingfield. Perhaps involving children. It’s pretty scary turning onto Church Street in the morning at the moment.


  • Paul Munro


    Stop the humps, make sure you vote and tell/remind everyone you know to get their voting slips, vote NO and make sure to get them handed in to the relevant parish councillors….
    Apart from the cost £52000 do you want our village ending up like Caldicote!!!


  • K Woodard


    We are very concerned about the massive increase in traffic along High street; Church Street, New Road and Barton Road. They go so fast past our house we are very worried about an accident. We know it will get worse as traffic is going to increase because of the Barrington Development. Traffic calming measures will slow traffic going through the village and therefore make it safer. Speed bumps are better than cars going past our houses at 40+ miles per hour. Something does need to be done.


  • Caroline north


    Speed bumps would ruin our village not to mention our cars !


  • N Bone


    Please don’t put speed bumps in.


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