Orchid Count Results

The orchid count took place on Weds 7th June. 15 volunteers were present, include 6 Haslingfolk. Big thanks to everyone.
* Man Orchid 75
* Bee orchid 12
* Common Twayblade 606
* Common Spotted Orchid 1515
They are in full flower at the moment, so if you want to visit go in the next week or two.
If you would like a guided tour, contact Clive Blower.

Comments (3)

  • Susan Thorp


    Walk up Back Lane then left into Quarry Lane. Orchids in the quarry area. dear


  • Clive Blower


    Thanks for your question Mo, the quarry is at the top of Quarry Lane.
    Best to park taowrds the end of Chestnut Close, as you need to walk up Quarry Lane and there is no parking in Back Lane or School Lane.
    Walk up the hill called Quarry Lane (yes a hill!) and you will find the quarry and the orchids at the top. About 5 minutes walk.
    Hope this is sufficient to get you there. Please report back on your findings. Thanks


  • Mo


    Could you let me know where to walk to see some of this great collection of orchids? A guided tour with Clive Blower would be great but not necessary – I am able to recognise orchids myself. But, knowing where to start looking would be helpful. I live in Trumpington so it is easy for me to drop in to Haslingfield.

    Many thanks, Mo Sibbons


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