All Saints’ Nave Roof Repair

You will be pleased to know that the Nave Roof has finally been completed. After a much delayed start, with problems of all descriptions, we now have a beautiful new Cumbrian slate roof. The slates vary in length up the slope and also in width. As the tiler said, ‘It is like playing chess to lay a roof like this’.  But to see the completed roof is to see a work of art, which is a real joy, and of which we can all be very proud. It also means of course that All Saints’ remains open as a place of worship and peace for the whole of the village community for years to come, and we can remain dry while using it!  

Our thanks are due to all involved: the architect Brian Page, the roofing contractor Aspect Roofing and all in the village who contributed in whatever way to achieve this superb result. Grants were obtained from LPOW (Listed Places of Worship), Cambridge Historic Churches Trust, The Jill Franklin Trust, Haslingfield United Charities and some significant private donations for which we are most grateful.

Needless to say it did run slightly over budget sadly, so if you would like to make a contribution then that would be much appreciated. Please contact David Gale at 1a Lilac Close.

Thank you all.

Roger Wilcocks

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