Haslingfield Little Owls Preschool Bedding Plant Sale 2016

Little Owls Plant LogoWe invite you to place an order for high quality bedding plants that we will deliver free, to your doorstep. The plants are locally grown in a nursery in Harston – a great way to support a local grower and raise money for Haslingfield Little Owls Preschool. To order your plants, please print and fill in the Plant Order Form 2016. To find out more, please click

Completed forms and payment can be given to Lindsay, 2 The Hemlocks, Haslingfield (post box on garage) (874656) or to the Village Shop by Friday 8th April.  Please make cheques payable to “Haslingfield Little Owls Preschool”. Plants will be delivered Saturday 21st May between 11-3 pm.

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