Haslingfield Young Little Theatre – Workshops for Beginners

HLT logo 2A new series of Haslingfield Young Little Theatre Workshops for Beginners is starting in the New Year in Haslingfield Village Hall. You do not need to have any experience of being on a stage – as long as you are aged between 8 and 12 you are welcome. The 7 sessions will be held on the following dates:

8, 15, 22 and 29 January & 5 February:  1.30 to 3pm
12 and 19 February: 10am to 12.00pm.     

 Participants will learn how to use the stage, create characters and scripts, and also have practical sessions in the other aspects of a production. These include going into our lighting box to see how lighting, sound and special effects can be used in a piece, having a look at the costumes in our extensive costume loft and learning how to use makeup. We may also have a dance session. Participants will have a taste of everything that can go into a show!

The cost for the whole series is £40 but as Haslingfield Little Theatre is a charity we are in a position to support children if necessary.

If you would like further details, please contact Cheryl at cheryllowery@btinternet.com.

More information on Haslingfield Young Little Theatre can be found here

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