Queen’s Birthday

image001image00111th & 12 June 2016

Village Festival and the Queens 90th birthday celebration

 Things to think about
before the Haslingfield Festival Weekend ……..


The Afternoon Picnic
Probably a bit too early to start making your sandwiches for the Saturday picnic!!

 Haslingfield Fun Bake off
All welcome to take part – its not just for the professionals!  The cake will be judged specifically on its decoration. Start practising now!!

start training now!! Numbers for the adults round the village race will be limited to 50.

Fancy Dress – for all ages
Have you found your outfit yet? Or how about dressing in red white and blue or borrowing one from The Little Theatre..

The Evening Event
Again no planning in advance needed, just come along and eat, drink and make merry. Two bands, a paying bar and caterers will be available.


Ecumenical church service  on the recreation ground at 10.30am

Further information and application forms for the Bake off and the race will be available shortly, together with a date to view The Little Theatres wardrobe .

 Jenny 872848 jenny.jullien@icloud.co

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