Coffee Morning – Monday 28th November 9am -12 noon

coffee morningCoffee Morning – Helping to keep our community and village safer from unwanted crime.
Find out how Neighbourhood Watch works and the benefits of being a member of a NHW scheme.
Do you know who your NHW Street Co-ordinator is?
Would you like to be a NHW Street Co-ordinator for your street?
We are holding the coffee morning at No. 2 Watson’s Yard on Monday 28th November 9am – 12 noon please join us!
Rachel Carr – Crime Reduction Officer will be there with low cost security gadgets, including shed alarms for sale. Lots of free booklets/leaflets and advice on how we can help ourselves from becoming victims of crime. You can sign up with Rachel for a free Home Security Survey.
                                                              Lina Josephs and Teresa Harrold – Village NHW Co-ordinator

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