What a Weekend!

The Church bells heralded the start of a true village celebration. Children and parents congregated at the Methodist Church for the Fancy Dress procession to the Recreation Ground and then the day took off!!
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Everyone enjoyed their picnic before joining in the varied activities in the afternoon. A cup of tea and a slice of one of the cakes that had been entered for the Cake Decoration competition were greatly appreciated. Then it was time for the excellent hot food. How difficult to decide what to eat!! The music from the 2 bands kept us entertained till 10.30 and the rain held off until almost the end of the evening.

Sunday morning started with more food as we were served coffee and croissants before the open-air service that perfectly reflected the Queen’s birthday and her commitment to serve the country, but also our village community and all the groups that make it such a wonderful place to live. A collection was taken for village charities and £210.00 was shared between “Little Owls”, Haslingfield PTFA and the Warden Scheme. Then there was more food with a delicious barbecue!

In spite of the rain, it was time to leave the Rec and walk around the village, admiring the amazing variety of Scarecrows that suddenly appeared on the Friday, but of course you need food and 2 venues supplied that need!

The success of the weekend exceeded everyone’s expectations. We were able to demonstrate that we are a friendly, caring village and when we work together we can do amazing things.

Thank you to everyone

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