Pub is Saved!

Little Rose Opening Hours

Little Rose Opening Hours

Neil and Sue Poole have bought the Little Rose so it now belongs to them! THE PUB IS SAVED!

This is the news that we’ve all been waiting for. To celebrate this, please come to the pub this Saturday 19th September from 8pm for a big party. There will be live Motown an Soul Music and free entry. For more details, just click Read More…

This means that the Little Rose is now safe as Neil and Sue have really put there money where their mouth is. They’ve sold their house to buy the pub. They’ve signed the dotted line and handed over the cash! It’s a true freehouse and can sell whatever it wants.
They couldn’t have done this without your support, so a big Thank You. Also, a big Thank You to the Cambridge and District Branch of the Campaign for Real Ale, who’ve been incredibly supportive as well as the Parish Council and South Cambs District Council.
As Neil and Sue now own the pub, they’re in complete charge and as villagers of over 30 years, will do their best to make sure it continues to thrive, but of course they need our support. A phrase that I’ve come across that I think sums up Neil and Sue is ‘Pub Angels’!
There’s now a whole host of community events that take place at the pub (bingo, parents and toddlers group, Village School PTFA meetings to name just three) which see the pub full of life and thriving.
Remember that any club or group can meet in the pub, in the lounge, for free. Just ask Neil.
There’s also a brand new menu and loads of new play equipment for the children.

Comments (1)



    The Little Rose will continue to bloom. The efforts and belief of Mr and Mrs Poole,
    rewarded. Vindication also for those who had faith in keeping the pub. Another good
    reason for a future return visit.
    The information sent by post should have arrived.
    Looking forward, the invitations for village groups, clubs, like pétanque and quiz, are
    always open. Opportunities to attract and broaden the customer base, along with
    further positive coverage to include an international dimension. Reciprocal visits too.
    Keep up the good work.


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