Haslingfield Primary School SUMMER FAIR – 13 June 2015

On Saturday 13 June, Haslingfield Primary School will be holding their Summer Fair. The Fair will open at 1.00 p.m. and finish at 4.00 p.m. and will take place at the school: High Street, Haslingfield, Cambridge CB23 1JW. Everyone’s invited! Free admission!  Stalls, entertainment, BBQ, Pimms, Bouncy Castle, Raffle! Hope to see you there! (Please click Read More below to see the Fair Poster).

summer fair poster

Comments (1)



    I recall similar events during father’s years as headmaster. Good luck with
    this one.
    I recall reading of the wine tasting organised by the PTA.
    As someone with Haslingfield roots, now living in France and surrounded vineyards, the village wine buffs will be most welcome to come and enjoy
    our annual Gaillac Fete des Vins. August 8/9 in the Parc Foucaud, with its chateau, gardens and magnificent trees; entertainments too.
    Access is best via Stansted to Rodez, where visitors would be met.
    All bookable online.
    Hospitality organised locally.
    Email me on neville.cole@orange.fr
    Neville James Cole


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