Country Kitchen

IMG_1501 (2)As 2015 draws to a close, the Country Kitchen ladies would like to wish Haslingfield and Harlton all the very best for 2016 and to thank you all for your loyal and valued support and custom.  Here’s our latest news.

Trading throughout 2015, we are happy to report, has been brisk and we’re always gratified to see our hard work pay off as the business goes from strength to strength. Although we rely on through traffic, and lunch-time trade from businesses and workmen in the area, our primary purpose is a shop for the local community.

2016 will see the installation of a fabulous new coffee machine.  Bear with us while we all get to grips with it, and learn how to become proficient baristas! You’ll have noticed the brand new chiller, and some new shelving, as we continue to tweak our product and offerings. It’s always our aim to complement the goods and services offered by the other Haslingfield shop and in the new year we’ll be conducting a very low-key marketing survey to help us gauge customer satisfaction and needs.

All the very best for 2016

Alex, Claire, Heather, Jennie, Jill, Julie, Kate, Liz and Nikki

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