Agenda for the Parish Council meeting 9th March 2015



Chairman Bob Branch                                                                                            Clerk Frances Laville

10 The Meadows                                                                                                    32 High Street

Haslingfield    870136                                                                                            Great Eversden        264360

You are summoned to a meeting of Haslingfield Parish Council at the Village Hall on Monday 9th March 2015 at 7.30pm, for the purpose of transacting the following business.  Members of the Public and Press are invited to address the Council at the Open Forum.


1         Apologies for absence

2         Members Declaration of interest for items on the agenda

3         Open Forum for Public Participation

4         Update on Hemlocks Footpath

5         District Councillors Report

6         County Councillors Report

7         To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting of February 9th 2015

8         Matters to be reported from these minutes

9         Planning applications and decisions:

C/11/40/45 – 2 The Knapp, application to undertake tree work in a conservation area; S/0410/15/RM, S/0409/15/RM – Former Bayer Crop Science Site, phase 1 and 3 (132 dwellings) and phase 3 (14 dwellings), application for the approval of reserved matters comprising layout, scale, appearance and landscaping

10       Additional matters for discussion

11       Village Hall refurbishment update

12       Connections Bus Financing

13       Local Council Awards Scheme

14       Traffic Calming Delay/Remodelling

15       Committee and Working Party Reports –

a    Environment (including Community Orchard Extension)

b    Village Hall

c    Allotments

d    Trumpington Meadows

e    Play Area

f     Website & C & V

g    Parish Emergency Plan

h    Skate Park

i     Recruitment

j     Telephone Box

k    Cycle Path

16       Confirm Arrangements for Annual Meeting

17       Correspondence –

18       Finance       – Motion to authorise new signatory/s for Bank Account.

– Motion to authorise new signatory/s for Bank of Cyprus Bond.

– Motion to authorise Purchase of Laser Printer

– Resolution to pay outstanding accounts

– Salaries –       Clerk, Roy Brown, Alan Stevens

Date of next meeting Monday April 13th 2015 in the Village Hall

Frances Laville

Parish Clerk   March 3rd 2015


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