Agenda for Parish Council meeting 9th February 2015

There is to be a meeting of Haslingfield Parish Council at the Village Hall on Monday 9th  February 2015 at 7.30pm, for the purpose of transacting the following business.  Members of the Public and Press are invited to address the Council at the Open Forum.


Chairman Bob Branch                                                                                  Clerk Frances Laville

10 The Meadows                                                                                         8A Barton Road

Haslingfield    870136                                                                                   Haslingfield        874585




1         Apologies for absence

2         Members Declaration of interest for items on the agenda

3         District Councillors Report

4         County Councillors Report

5         Cycle Path Update

6         Open Forum for Public Participation

7         Haslingfield Endowed School Funding Request

8         To approve and sign the minutes of the meeting of January 12th  2015

9         Matters to be reported from these minutes

10       Planning applications and decisions:

Permission granted by SCDC:  S/2614/14/FL – 85 New Road, erection of two storey side and rear extension and single storey rear extension; 09/01/2015

S/0032/15/PB – FYI only – Land West of Barton Rd; prior approval for change of use of barn to 2 dwellings & associated operational development

11       Additional matters for discussion

12       Village Hall refurbishment additional costs

13       Connections Bus Financing

14       Neighbourhood Plans

15       Committee and Working Party Reports –

a    Environment

b    Village Hall

c    Allotments

d    Trumpington Meadows

e    Play Area

f     Website & C & V

g    Parish Emergency Plan

h    Skate Park

i     Traffic Calming Measures

j     Recruitment

k    Telephone Box

16       Arrangements for Annual Meeting

17       Correspondence –

18       Finance – Resolution to pay outstanding accounts

Salaries –    Clerk, Roy Brown, Alan Stevens


Date of next meeting Monday March 9th 2015 in the Village Hall

Frances Laville

Parish Clerk   February 3rd 2015

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