NEXT TUESDAY 3rd November, 7.30pm – Village Defibrillator: Heartbeat Awareness session – Village Hall

A defibrillator has now been ordered from the Community Heartbeat Trust and will be placed in the redundant telephone box on the High Street. It can be used without any formal training because the equipment is very easy to use, and when you have dialled 999, the ambulance service operator will give you the code to open the defibrillator cabinet and stay on the telephone to assist you. The modern AED (Automated External Defibrillator) equipment is designed to talk to you and tell you what to do. You cannot make a mistake when using an AED – just follow the instructions being given. However, training is desirable, particularly to create confidence in the community, and to learn CPR.

The Community Heartbeat Trust will organise a “Heartbeat Awareness” session in the Village Hall on Tuesday 3rd November at 7.30pm. This is not giving full first aid training but will answer questions, give basic instruction and create confidence.

The 2 hour session covers

  • What is Sudden Cardiac Arrest
  • How to recognise SCA
  • How to dial 999 and what to expect
  • How to do CPR, and why
  • Recovery Position
  • Handover to the Paramedics

We would encourage representation from all village groups, and hopefully at least one person from every road in the village.

If one life can be saved, it will all have been worthwhile, but if you were unsuccessful you will know that you have “Done your best”.

Comments (1)

  • Amy


    A fantastic idea!


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