MEETING: Celebration of 90th birthday and the long reign of Queen Elizabeth II

crownThe next meeting to make plans for a village celebration on 11th and 12th June 2016 will be held in the Methodist Church this Wednesday 11th November at 7.30pm.

Tentative plans for a fancy dress parade, round-the-village race, giant “Street Party” on the Rec, “Great British Bake Off”. “Haslingfield’s Got Talent”, Church service on Sunday and Scarecrows around the village.Wednesday’s meeting is for everyone, but it is hoped that the various village groups will want to make their own special contributions.

It’s your village and your celebration.

Wednesday 11th Nov. 7.30pm. Methodist Church

Comments (2)



    Given the current situation and incertitudes in France, and UK, I feel, for the time being, to mothball the invitations to visit the right course to take. The everyday French that I know are deeply shaken, but have the spirit and resolve to overcome.
    We are as one.




    Good to see the ideas emerging.
    From the list I note the absence of my offer of a French visit to Gaillac, from the list for the forthcoming meeting. Probably an accidental oversight?
    Are there elements in the offer that require further clarification? Is the offer considered too down market? The logistics, as explained,are all available online.
    Alongside our excellent food and wines, we have attractions nearby; Albi a cathedral
    city recognised by UNESCO. Next to the cathedral is the Toulouse-Lautrec museum
    and gallery, the world’s best collection. T-L was born in Albi. The cathedral, Ste Cécile, is the world’s biggest building built entirely of brick.
    The surrounding countryside contains villaes in mellow stone, some are “bastides”,
    fortified medieval strongholds, perched high on hilltops with stunning panoramas.
    The vines on the slopes.
    A bit futher away is the “viaduc de Millau,” which takes an autoroute over the river
    Tarn. A majestic, beautiful piece of engineering, the highest bridge in the world.
    Le Tour Eiffel will fit underneath.
    Durng the summer plenty of concerts for most tastes.
    I hope this helps, and welcome your acceptance.


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