Haslingfield Village Fund to Close

The Committee has decided to wind up the fund due to lack of new income but will accept grant applications within that period.   At the end of the six month period, any money remaining in the fund will be dispensed in accordance with the fund objectives as set out in the constitution. For more information or to apply for a grant, please contact one of the following:
Sally Coles (871403),   Michael Hendy (870270),   David Rutherford (871585) or Jay Cole (870688)    
The Fund was established in 2004 by Friends of Haslingfield Church with an initial donation from the Jubilee 650 Festival and was maintained subsequently by further contributions from the biennial Scarecrow Festivals.  The objective was to provide small grants to groups or individuals in Haslingfield, up to £200 in each case.  Examples include contributions to projects that would benefit a significant number of people in the village: new or replacement equipment for clubs and societies, essential repair work,  mobility aids etc in cases of personal hardship for which money may not be otherwise available.

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