CEMEX Barrington Site Plans
The planning application for housing on the Cemex cement factory site in Barrington will NOT be going before South Cambridgeshire District Council’s planning committee meeting on 4 February. It now seems likely that this will be decided at the South Cambs Planning committee meeting on 4 March 2015, but this will be confirmed nearer the time. All planning meetings start at 10am and are held at South Cambs HQ in Cambourne (which is clearly signposted). It is no longer possible to comment on the application. But if you are able to come to the meeting to demonstrate to councillors how important this issue is to our communities, it would be very much encouraged. To speak at the meeting then you need to contact the planning support officer, Ian Senior, on 03450 450 500 by no later than noon on the Monday before the meeting as a public speaking protocol applies. For more information, click “Read More” below…
For more info contact Aidan Van de Weyer, South Cambridgeshire District Councillor – Orwell and Barrington Ward on 07545 922 912 or 01223 870 869 and here’s a link to the relevant page on South Cambs website here: http://scambs.moderngov.co.uk/mgCalendarMonthView.aspx?M=3&CID=0&OT=&C=-1&MR=0&DL=0&D=1&ACT=Earlier&DD=2015