We Had A Fabulous Time

oasisOASIS, the holiday at home for seniors, met again on 28, 29 and 30 July.  About 50 people came this year and it was great fun.  We had feature talks and quizzes, and each day ended with a tasty lunch.  Activities included solving mysteries a la Sherlock Holmes, singing, painting, craft making (some fine wooden boxes), poetry, meditating, chairobics, enjoying the Sayers’ model railway in their back garden – and a highlight:  baking scones in the Wellhouse Meadow  Bakery.

pic5pic9Roger Willcocks and his team lit the oven at 7am so by 10am it was ready to heat the scones and bread that about 10 of our folk and their friends made.  One lady in her 80s said it was the first time her scones had ever risen!  When I joined the group about 15 people were sitting in the sun enjoying fresh scones, cream and strawberry jam. What a treat!







There was great team work; we were determined to honour Derek Tombs who started planning it in March and sadly died shortly afterwards.

Note: 50 people is about our maximum; if we do it next year and you want to come, do apply early.

David Lewis

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