All of the Victorian Pews in Haslingfield Church are now for Sale.  We have been advised by Auctioneers that the estimate the value of the pews is between £50 and £100.  Sealed Bids are invited, which will be opened on 17th October 2015 for Haslingfield Village and  Surrounding Area, following which bidding will be opened up to all.  At each stage the Highest Bids for a particular pew will be considered first and then the remaining pews will be offered to Bidders to choose from in the order of the size of their bid.  Click the Pic to see a description of the pews for sale. (The older ‘medieval’ pews are to be retained)All the Victorian pews are numbered and marked and the church is open for inspection in the daytime.  Sold Pews will have to remain in the Church until just before the new chairs are installed. This is expected to be before Christmas. All pews must be removed by the bidder before the chair installation date (to be announced).

Bids to be placed in an envelope with ‘PEW BID’ on the front together with Name and contact Phone Number or Email Address. The Bid inside must show Name, Address, Phone and Email together with the bid.

Examples of how to bid are as follows:

Bid: PewNo.33 £115  PewNo.35 £50 or Bid: Two of any of Pews Nos 2,3,4,5,7 £95 each or Bid: One of any pew length 210 cm to 240cm long £74

Further information and clarification from David Rutherford (01223 871585) and the Church Wardens Richard Webster / Neil Staples.

Comments (1)

  • sarah chantler


    Dear David/Richard

    I am just inquiring as to whether any of the smaller church pews are still for sale? I see that I missed the sealed bid date, but wonder if you have any that were unsold.

    With many thanks. BW Sarah


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