Pub Crib

There has been a cribbage team playing from The Little Rose since the early 1960’s as part of the Greene King Cambridge Cribbage League.  In 1986 we started the  Haslingfield & District Cribbage League consisting  of local pubs/clubs, all within a radius of 10 miles of Haslingfield,  as a breakaway from the larger Greene King  league.  At present we have 9 teams playing on Thursday evenings.  The Little Rose has been quite successful in the past, winning the league in 2007 and recently in the  2013-2014 season with players winning individual competitions.   At the end of the first half of this current  season we are lying 5th in the table, with plenty of time to catch up until fixtures finish in  April 2015. For more details contact either the Little Rose or Keith Murray ( and both will pass on your messages.

Comments (2)

  • Ron


    Hi Chris
    I believe there is a crib group still playing in the Little Rose. I suggest you pop in and talk to Neil Poole.


  • Chris Girling


    Hi just asking about the group. Live in Harston. Played the game years ago but keen to restart.


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