All Saints’ Church

Services for April 2014
Posted a
 few weeks late.   Apologies!





Sunday 6th April
9.30 am                                                  Family Worship and Baptism

Palm Sunday, 13th April
9.30 am                                                   Parish Holy Communion

Maundy Thursday, 17th April
7.30 pm                                                   Mareway Group Holy Communion

Good Friday 18th April
Carrying the Cross from Great  Eversden (1 pm) via Ltittle Eversden (1.25 pm), Harlton ( & Haslingfield (2.35 pm) to Barton (3.30 pm)

Easter Sunday, 20th April
9.30 am                                                    Parish Holy Communion

 Sunday 27th April
9.30 am                                                    Parish Holy Communion

Every Tuesday
9.15 am                                                     Morning Prayer

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