Not quite the Oscars, but…

HLT LOGO (2) jpgHaslingfield Little Theatre is delighted to report that we have been nominated by N.O.D.A. (National Operatic Dramatic Association) Eastern Region, to receive awards for our 2012 productions: Best Play for The Importance of Being Earnest; Best Technical – Costumes, Set and Props for Alice, the Musical. 

So, while we won’t be donning our red carpet dresses, we shall be going along to the award ceremony in St. Ives in April to find out whether, or not, we have won. If you want to know what all the fuss is about, why not come along to our next show on 16, 17 and 18 May, in the village hall. 

Photos for both productions can be found on our website, as can more details on our next show:

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