Trumpington Meadows Governance

The Parish Council has approved a resolution to apply to create a new parish, returning the parish of Haslingfield to its pre 1934 boundaries.

At present governance of that part of the new Trumpington Meadows development within the parish boundary will remain with Haslingfield Parish Council (HPC), for the foreseeable future.

However, the HPC have resolved to apply to SCDC for a Community Governance Review with a view to the creation of a new parish for incoming residents and return our boundary to its pre 1934 position. South Cambridgeshire District Council is currently conducting a Local Plan options and issues review.  It would seem sensible to consider matters of governance relating to Trumpington Meadows at the same time.

The principal reasons listed to justify the change of boundaries are as follows:

  • It is unlikely that Trumpington Meadows residents who happen to live in the Parish of Haslingfield would think of themselves in any real way as Haslingfield village residents.  They would more likely see themselves at Trumpington Meadows residents.  Their attachment or allegiance to the village on the other side of the motorway is likely to be non-existent.
  • Residents living anywhere in the new development will share an urban environment completely different to our rural village which has its own community support system.
  • There are 600 houses in the development planned within our current boundary.  This would double the number of properties within the parish council area and require considerable changes in administration & financing to the detriment of the community.
  • The differences in the two communities are emphasised by the distance between them.  It seems incredible to centre governance 4.3 miles away from the development at Trumpington; with all the resultant costs involved.  Particularly as the footpath & cycle path links are limited.
  • The creation of a new parish within SCDC would have sufficient population to be efficient and sustainable on its own and allow it to work jointly with residents who live within the rest of Trumpington.

As soon as there are further developments, we will let you know.  In the meanwhile, if you have any queries please contact the Parish Clerk in the first instance.

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